


  • 要求记者

    要求记者 Training provides employees and volunteers of esball世博 mandated by state law and Archdiocesan policy to report suspected child abuse and neglect with information on how to recognize and report child abuse and neglect.
    The following employees and volunteers are required to complete this training within 60 days of hire:
    • 学校工作人员, 医疗人员, 社会服务和心理健康人员, 执法人员, 验尸官/法医人员, 儿童看护人员和神职人员. 学校人员需每3年重新认证一次.
    • Catechists, youth ministers, coaches, and pastoral center employees who work directly with children.
    • Seminarians must complete this while at the seminary and training is offered to deacons during their formation

    The purpose of this online course is to help all Illinois 要求记者s understand their critical role in protecting children by recognizing and reporting child abuse.
    Everyone who suspects child abuse or neglect should call the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services Child Abuse Hotline to make a report, 但法律要求强制记者这样做.

  • 欺凌和骚扰

    Treating others with respect is required of everyone at esball世博.  霸凌和骚扰是不能容忍的.  欺凌或骚扰被认为是任何身体上的, 口头, non-口头 and/or written abuse by an individual or group, that reasonably expects to place another person in fear of their person or property, causes a substantial effect to their physical or mental health, and/or substantially interferes with their academic performance or ability to participate in Fenwick’s academic programs or extracurricular activities.  Students must report any acts of 欺凌 or Harassment in a timely manner to their counselor, 学生主任, the Director of Students Services or the Principal for proper documentation and follow-up. 
    A person may not in any way be inappropriate with any students and/or faculty/staff in a sexual manner including but not limited to physical contact, 在语言中暗示任何不恰当的性行为, 手势或任何交流.  Students must report any acts of 性骚扰 in a timely manner to their counselor, 学生主任, 多样性, 股本, 及包容协调员, the Director of Students Services or the Principal for proper documentation and follow-up.

    欺凌 & 骚扰程序 & Form
  • 信仰的法律

    Faith’s Law is named after child sexual abuse survivor Faith Colson, who graduated from an Illinois high school in the early 2000’s. Ms. Colson was sexually abused by one of her high school teachers. 毕业后, she found out that a few staff members at the high school suspected that the teacher’s relationship with her was not appropriate, 但他们没有报告自己的担忧. Faith’s Law was passed in response to her experience as two separate pieces of legislation effective in 2021 and 2023.
  • 安娜·玛丽的心理健康自杀意识

    AnnMarie定律, enacted in 2015 following the death in 2013 of AnnMarie Blaha, was created to provide suicide awareness and prevention to Illinois school students and school staff. 公共法案99-0443要求ISBE:
    • 制定模范自杀预防政策
    • 编译, 开发, 以及推荐的指导方针, 资源, and educational materials on youth suicide prevention and awareness.
    AnnMarie's Law also required school districts to adopt a suicide prevention policy and procedures. Along with this the state requires school districts serving students in Grades 6-12 to include mental health 资源 on student ID cards.

    esball世博 has two social workers that are dedicated to the health and safety of Fenwick Students. T在这里 is a referral process in place for faculty and staff to recommend students to 学生服务 along with a Crisis Protocol. Fenwick’s health classes incorporate mental health and suicide awareness training and all student I.D. 卡片包含以下信息: 
    988年自杀 & 危机的生命线:
  • Erin’s Law/Archdiocese of Chicago Protecting God’s Children

    Both the State of Illinois and the Archdiocese of Chicago require that children and youth be taught how to create and maintain a safe environment as it relates to child sexual abuse.  Erin’s Law is named after childhood sexual assault survivor Erin Merryn was passed in 2011.  Protecting God’s Children was established in 2002 initially to train faculty and staff working with minors. These requirements now extend past training adults about signs of child abuse but to help students establish boundaries to prevent abuse.

    esball世博 through the help and support of our 学生服务 Department provides training each year to students through school assemblies and webinars. 
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